For several seasons, Oboz and I collaborated on a full-scale trend/color/merch scope. We've kicked off each season with a trend presentation setting the look and feel for the brand. This was presented both internally and externally - to key retailers and sales reps. From the forecasted trend direction, I created the color palette, the color strategy, and the merchandising plan. I translated the color direction across product categories and targeted end-users, creating sub-palettes applicable for both. I provided the individual color CAD files per colorway, per style, that specified all color details. At each key design meeting, we reviewed samples, evaluated color and design as a team, and further refined the details until the line was ready for market.
Shown here are final product shots of some of the styles I've worked on with Oboz. Also included below is a portion of the Spring 2023 strategy deck that I created for Oboz, showing pages focused on color and merchandising.